Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan

The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District's Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan is updated biennially.  Please see below:

STGRSD Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan
Appendix E - Incident Reporting Form   
STGRSD Bullying Prevention Policy (JICFB)

Additional resources addressing bullying prevention:  
Massachusetts DESE Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Your Child is the Bully or the Target
Understanding Cyberbullying and Social Networking
What To Do If Your Child is Being Bullied

Resources and conversation starters around bias, discrimination, and racism

Anti-Defamation League:   resources for family and educators

PBIS Kids:  talking about race and racism

National Museum of African American History and Culture:  talking about race

The Culture Corner:   LPVEC DEIB Partner.
Vonetta Lightfoot, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Coordinator for Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative, is working with educators and school leaders to ensure an equitable student experience with all partnering districts. "The Culture Corner" is her website which features additional resources. 

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District